3 Ways to Show People You Care

We all have people in our lives that we love and care for. One challenging aspect is when we take these people for granted. Whether this be because of life priorities or responsibilities it can be difficult for both sides. Today we want to talk about 3 ways to show people you care.

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Reach Out to Others

Reaching out to people is one of the easiest ways to show that you care. Call your friends and family to ask how they're doing and what they’ve been up to. This not only gives you an opportunity to catch up on what’s happening in each other’s lives, but it also lets them know that you were thinking about them. You can also take it a step further and make an effort to see the people you care about; especially if you haven't seen them in a while. Invite them to go out, ask them to run errands with you, take a trip to visit your family; whatever you do, it only matters that you make time for them for them and make sure they know that they are important to you. Nothing tells people that you care more than making an effort to talk to them and see them.

“Reaching out to people is one of the easiest ways to show that you care.”

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Be Understanding

Furthermore, relationships are about more than just being in someone else’s company. To truly get the most of your relationships, you need to listen and pay attention to those you care about and be understanding and attentive. If they want to talk about something that’s going on in their life, let them, when you’re having a conversation, actively listen to what they’re saying, and if they want to open up about something important, listen to them without judgment. More often than not, paying attention to someone means listening for what they’re not saying. Notice changes in their normal behavior or their mood, and then let them know that you noticed and you’re here for them if they need you. Just being there is the biggest indicator that you care.

“To truly get the most of your relationships, you need to listen and pay attention to those you care about and be understanding and attentive.”

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Establish Trust

Lastly, trust is a big part of any relationship, so what better way to show someone that you care then trusting them and making sure they can trust you. Keeping your promises is a key way of showing your respect and affection for any person. Whenever you say you’re going to do something, do it. If they trusted you with a secret, don’t tell half the block, keep it to yourself. Be someone your friends and family can count on, and they’ll know just how much you care. Likewise, allow yourself to be open with them as well. If they’ve earned your trust, then why not let them in. Tell them your secrets, share what’s going on in your life, trust them to help you out when you need them. Let others be there for you the way you’re there for them.




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