Rest And Relaxation

As students finding time to rest and relax can often be something we put lower on the priority list. Rethinking this is important because life is more than just responsibilities. Today we want to talk about the importance of rest and relaxation.

Rest is Healing

Rest is essential for our well-being both physically and mentally. Our bodies and minds are capable of many things but we need to set aside time to rest in order to recuperate. A good example of this is exercise. When we exercise we break down the muscles in our bodies in order to help rebuild them in a stronger manner. Things such as protein help contribute to this but equally important is to give yourself a cooldown in between exercises since it can cause strain if done too much. The same also applies to our minds as well. Constantly being in a state of focus can cause us to spend a lot of mental energy on things that may not always be to our benefit. We need to be mindful of this as it can leave us tired and make it tough to concentrate. Having time where we can turn our minds off to simply rest is good as it can give us the energy needed for later. Rest has a healing property to it and using it effectively can be helpful.

“Rest is essential for our well-being both physically and mentally.”

Relaxation is Rewarding

When it comes to our time, there are many instances where we will need to be aware of how we spend it. A good example of this is how we use our leisure time. As tempting as it is to want to be productive with all of our free time, it is there so we can relax and do the things we love and care about. Whether this is spending time with a friend, or simply writing something that makes you happy, our time is valuable. Relaxation is its own reward since it can provide us with the time needed to quietly appreciate things. Your leisure time is meant to empower you and give you a sense of reward and using this time wisely can improve the overall quality of your life.

“When it comes to our time, there are many instances where we will need to be aware of how we spend it.”

Providing a Sense of Peace

Both rest and relaxation contribute to an overall sense of peace. They both work in harmony to help you find your center and decompress after a long day. Rest gives you the means to recover and make the most out of your time while awake and active. Relaxation gives you a way to properly spend your time in a manner that doesn't require being productive. They're simple reminders that life is meant to be enjoyed and taken at a pace that works for you along with finding enjoyment. Both of these help build up mindfulness and awareness along with putting your comfort first. Taking the time to put yourself first and prioritize both rest and relaxation can give you the mental clarity needed to make better decisions along with finding a new sense of gratitude.




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