Why Slowing Down Helps

Being able to pace ourselves is an extremely important life skill since it can help us when things feel too quick. When we're hasty with our actions we might find ourselves in a position where the quality of our work can come out worse. Rather than letting it get to this point, we want to figure out how to alleviate that. Today we want to talk about why slowing down can help us in life.

Pacing Our Energy

It's healthy to recognize that we can't be everywhere at once. When we're in a rush we might feel the need to do too many things at a fast pace. This isn't good for us in the long term since it can take up a lot of our energy. A better way to handle this is by learning how to pace ourselves. One way to do this is by looking at everything we have to do on a given day. On a school day, we need to attend our classes, do extracurricular activities, and possibly spend time with friends. While we need to take care of our responsibilities, we can do it in a manner that empowers us. We can be mindful of our emotions after an exam and slow down our thoughts by meditating.

“While we need to take care of our responsibilities, we can do it in a manner that empowers us.”

Less Stress

A great way to manage stress is by slowing down. One example of this can come in the form of physically slowing down. If we find ourselves using erratic or really fast body language, or even just speaking a lot faster than usual, we can opt to change this. Stress is usually the result of us trying to do things in a manner that isn't natural for us. An example of this can be trying to cram all of our homework at the last minute. We can avoid this by being mindful of how we spend our time and doing things at a more steady pace. Stress can be avoided when we take the time to slow down and address what we're going through. Being able to not take things as seriously and being lighthearted can help with this too. Oftentimes when we feel like our mind is racing we simply need to tune into our thoughts and take a deep breath to feel better.

“A great way to manage stress is by slowing down.”

Making Time For Others

Slowing down gives us more time for other areas in our life that we care about. One example of this is that it allows us more time to spend with others. It's good to remember that our relationships make us stronger in the face of adversity. When we're going too fast we might miss out on important moments in life with the people we truly value. One way we can slow down is by learning how to make plans with people so we can enjoy our time with them. Little things such as doing a small get-together with others remind us that the best things in life can be as simple as relaxing with those around us.




Knowing Your Limits


Recognizing Things Will Work Out