Why Peer Mentoring Matters

Peer mentoring offers a unique means of learning with others. This is good as provides an alternative learning style that can help people who value this. Today we want to cover why peer mentoring matters along with some elements that make it effective.

It Changes The Dynamic

In many classrooms, there are instances where there is minimal interaction with classmates. While this can help condense distractions, it can take away from the social dynamic of working with others. Group projects and peer mentoring however change the dynamic in a way that helps both sides. In the case of peer mentoring, each student needs to work with one another in order to achieve the best possible result. This relies on both sides teaching and learning from one another. This is good as it demonstrates that students are capable of helping someone regardless of how experienced they are in a topic. This mindset shift allows different types of people to work together and to find the method that works for them.

“Group projects and peer mentoring however change the dynamic in a way that helps both sides.”

It Encourages Teamwork

Teamwork is a large factor when it comes to personal success and this is evident in peer mentoring. Both sides rely on each other in a manner that can help both of them thrive. Accessibility is at the forefront of this as it shows that teamwork can be found anywhere. Peer mentoring requires a cooperative mentality given that each side shares their portion of the workload and it can help each person find what they are best at. Recognizing talent is important and some students may be more suited to certain areas. For example, if two students are working on a project one of them may be more inclined to the logistical side of things where the other may be more creative. Combining the efforts from both can demonstrate that there are alternative methods for completing a project. The logistical efforts from the first student can be used to explain the reasoning behind a creative design from the second student. Likewise, the creativity from the second student can inspire the logistical student to put things into practice.

“Teamwork is a large factor when it comes to personal success and this is evident in peer mentoring.”

It Provides Support

Peer mentoring offers a special type of support that can't be found in other teaching methods. Having the ability to work with a peer is much different than with someone with more experience. The biggest reason behind this is that they can relate to what you're going through because they are in a similar position. This is good as it helps both sides stay on the same page and gives a better understanding for one another. The mental aspect of peer mentoring matters immensely because its not just about what is being taught, but how it is being taught. Being able to relate and feel understood is an inherent human need and this is best seen in groups with fellow peers. They can help us feel accepted and can help us see our value in a kind and caring manner. Taking the time to let your fellow mentor know you care can make all the difference.




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