How a Stoic Mindset Can Help You

Stoicism is a powerful way of thinking that helps you regain your courage and confidence. Typically taught in philosophy classes, being able to adopt this sort of mindset can be incredibly rewarding. Today we want to talk about some of these mindset shifts and how they can help you in your daily life.

Accept Your Feelings

A key part of stoicism is being able to take responsibility for your feelings. It's easy for us to find ourselves wanting to place blame on things outside of ourselves. Yes, things can be frustrating and we shouldn't deny that when these thoughts arise. With that in mind, we also need to focus on accepting these feelings when they arise since we can't always blame external things for our own inner state of being. This is a challenging concept to work through since we have to consider where our ego fits into this. Our ego typically doesn't like to be challenged since we usually reframe things in a manner that makes us feel better even if that's not always the case. Instead of doing this, slow down your thoughts and opt to meditate when things become overwhelming. This is better since it allows us to calmly review our thoughts and see whether they're helping or hindering us. Both our thoughts and feelings are meant to empower us and acceptance is a great first step to do.

“A key part of stoicism is being able to take responsibility for your feelings.”

Rethink Failure

Failure is often met with disdain but what if we were able to shift our mindset about it? A powerful method of stoic thinking is being able to see failure for what it truly is, an opportunity to learn from it. A common issue many of us go through is shaming ourselves when we don't do something that matches our expectations. This mentality is harmful since it doesn't consider that there are many different things that contribute to our performance such as our environment along with the tools we have available. Rethinking failure as a learning opportunity shifts the balance into something that's more constructive. If we did everything right the first time then there wouldn't be any value to learning which is why we need to instead be grateful that we get the chance to improve and understand things on a deeper level.

“Failure is often met with disdain but what if we were able to shift our mindset about it?”

Practice Compassion

Compassion is one of the last major elements to keep in mind when it comes to a stoic mindset. It's easy to be judgmental but it takes much more effort and is worth it to be compassionate not just to ourselves, but towards others. Many of us go through unique challenges and learning how to be kind to someone is essential when it comes to cooperation. Being kind to ourselves for example allows us to work on self-care and treating ourselves in a manner we want to treat others. Compassion lets us relate to those we care about along with empathizing with them. Stoicism can help us change our lives for the better, all it needs is the determination and patience to think differently.




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