Why Different Perspectives Are Good

There are as many ways of viewing the world as there are people in it. Some perspectives can be viewed as more positive than others while other points of view are simply different. Being able to discern between these is a core part of critical thinking. Today we want to talk about why different perspectives are good and the value they provide.

They Teach You to Think For Yourself

Being able to think for yourself is an extremely good life skill. Throughout our lives, we're always learning but it's a matter of what we do with that knowledge that's important. This can be best seen in how we apply what we've learned from school. We can use our courses as a means of motivating ourselves to seek out knowledge from other sources. This in turn can help us form the framework for how we view the world. It's healthy to remember that even when learning things, we need to consider it from multiple perspectives. When we actively choose what we believe we open up the door for free thinking. This is necessary since it can help us be more independent. Thinking for ourselves helps us be more in tune with our needs along with making the right moral choices.

“Being able to think for yourself is an extremely good life skill.”

They Help You Understand Others

Different perspectives are the key to empathy. Everyone comes from a unique combination of environments. Many of us are fortunate to have access to education along with loving people around us. It's good to recognize that some people may not have as many blessings as we do and we need to be understanding. Being able to put yourself in someone else's shoes can help give you context as to why people act and do what they do. For example, if someone is stressed we need to be kind and patient since it can help keep them calm. Our upbringing plays a large role in our perspectives. Being mindful of this can give you the emotional understanding to see how others feel.

“Different perspectives are the key to empathy.”

They Let You See The Big Picture

It can feel limiting only relying on our own perspective at times. We don't always have all the information we need and it's possible we might not be right at times. This is healthy to recognize since our views aren't perfect. A better way to look at things is by seeing how others view the world. This allows us to see the big picture and give us more context as to what's out there. One example of this is seeing how two students view the same subject. Consider philosophy, two people can view one form of thought completely differently. This is necessary since it can help us understand important things such as ethics. Learning about things from different lenses allows us to be more fair and work towards a result that is positive. Sometimes we need to zoom out from our own point of view to help make the world a better place for everyone.




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