Making The Most Out of Each Day

Every day brings with it new opportunities and avenues for both growth and enjoyment. While it may be challenging to see this at first, with the right mentality and a desire to try new things, we can enjoy our lives much more. Today we want to talk about making the most out of each day.


Starting Small

While it may be tempting to want to take on many challenges throughout the day, starting small is one of the better ways of doing this. If we have any obligations or things we need to accomplish, we can try taking the snowball method. This focuses on working our way up from small tasks to larger ones. The reason this works is that it gives you a more tangible sense of accomplishment. Having an intrinsic reward system for these tasks is good as part of the fun comes from seeing what you are capable of doing. This same line of reasoning can also be used for leisure activities as well. Doing easier tasks can help get us in the right mindset to either take on more difficult tasks or to do more in general. Both of these are valid and they can help empower you to make small changes.

“Having an intrinsic reward system for these tasks is good as part of the fun comes from seeing what you are capable of doing.”

Planning Efficiently

There are some days where we won't be able to be as active as others and this is okay. One helpful way to manage this is by using that time to plan. Planning allows us to use our time in a manner that is productive. It can also help us be mindful of the future as well. This is good because we may have a creative spark that can only be done at certain times of the day. Giving yourself time on a later day can demonstrate self-efficacy and help you be more independent. We may not always be able to plan for everything, but having a game plan can show where your time is allotted. Planning can also let us appreciate all the subtle things that go into each of our days. From simple walks to school, or even eating our favorite meal, it can foster gratitude in a holistic way.

“Planning allows us to use our time in a manner that is productive.”

Making Time For Yourself

Giving yourself the time and space to make decisions that help you are crucial to your well-being. When we have our tasks done for the day, the best thing we can do for ourselves is to allow us the space to be happy. This can be either with leisurely activities such as reading, sports, playing a game or simply doing what you love. This can also involve meditation where we take time to reflect on all the things that happened throughout the day. Sometimes being mindful of events can matter just as much as actively doing things. Making the most out of your day doesn't necessarily mean you need to do a lot but rather it can be measured by how much you enjoyed or felt like the day mattered to you.




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