Deconstructing Positivity

Positivity can be a complex topic as while it is good to strive for, we need to be aware of some of the hurdles that come along with it. Today we want to take some time to define this along with some pitfalls to avoid and how to find practical positivity.

What is Positivity?

One of the most common ways to define positivity is that it can be viewed as an optimistic sort of attitude. It can be viewed as a sort of practice along with a mindset that goes with it. Positivity also has a correlation to your emotions along with how you react to different situations. One example of this is when receiving a critique on something you are doing. A positive mindset allows you to see the value in what someone is saying by focusing on how this can lead to growth. Another example of positivity is being able to see the good in things. A common expression is “seeing the glass half-full” which demonstrates that positivity truly is a matter of perspective.

“One of the most common ways to define positivity is that it can be viewed as an optimistic sort of attitude.”

The Hurdles of Positivity

While all of this is good, one of the biggest concerns with positivity is how we handle it. A common term that goes around is known as toxic positivity and this specifically can be defined as an obsession with being positive to the point where we shut down any negative emotions. There are many reasons why this is harmful and the first of which is that it means we aren't being authentic. Authenticity is good for many reasons as it lets you live an honest life along with expressing yourself properly. Yes, there are instances where we may have to endure a difficult situation in the moment but that doesn't mean we need to deny how we feel. Another hurdle to this is that it can lead to ignoring key tells for our feelings which may be there for good cause. This can be seen in relationships where we try to believe that things will change for the better by simply hoping or staying optimistic. True change however happens with a combination of action and awareness and breaking down these viewpoints is needed to have a balanced life.

“one of the biggest concerns with positivity is how we handle it.”

The Right Mindset

Positivity is a means of looking at things in a healthier manner while also being mindful of all of your emotions. This is good to bear in mind as we need to take into account many factors when looking at things such as the facts and our feelings. While a glass may be half-full, do we truly understand all the components that comprise our view on this? Are we simply saying it in an effort to feel better or because we truly believe that this perspective is empowering us? While philosophical in nature, positivity does force us to challenge our experiences in an often constructive manner. Being able to critically think about how and why we feel the way we do along with making the time to see whether things are working is essential for our well-being.




Experience as a Means of Learning


Bringing Positivity Into Your Life