Improving Our Quality Of Life

It's natural that we want to find ways to better our lives as time goes on. Whether by making our environment comfier, having people we click with more, or simply owning things that make life more efficient, they each play an important role. Today we want to take a look at why it's important to have a desire to improve the quality of our lives.

Not Settling

Accepting things that are beyond our control can help us since it can teach us the importance of having realistic expectations. With that in mind, there are a lot of things we have agency over. Having a good sense of self-worth and value can help us not settle for things. A good example of this is not settling for subpar shoes or clothing that make you uncomfortable. While this might seem like a basic thing, it's good to consider how often we use things so that we can focus on quality and sustainability versus how cheap it is. This approach helps us re-frame how we look at everyday objects such as the chairs we use or even our bed so that we place more value on them. Compromise is worth striving towards but settling implies that we aren't content with the option we've taken.

“Accepting things that are beyond our control can help us since it can teach us the importance of having realistic expectations.”

It Makes You Challenge Yourself

Wanting a better quality of life requires us to challenge ourselves to get there. It takes time, effort, and a good amount of work that we have to put in so that we can reach a place that we're comfortable with. Whether it’s spending more hours on a school assignment or putting in more effort in our careers, our actions can benefit us in many ways. Being results-driven can help us find ways to tangibly reach our goals which can be its own form of motivation. This can also extend to personal qualities as well. A better quality of life isn't determined by the things we own but by the person we are. Striving to be more empathetic or living a life of integrity by stepping outside our comfort zone to do the right thing is a great way to challenge ourselves.

“Wanting a better quality of life requires us to challenge ourselves to get there.”

Self-Care Goes A Long Way

With how fast some days can feel, it might be difficult to find time for self-care but it's something we need to do since it can radically improve the quality of our lives. One of the best examples of this is getting enough rest since it can give us the energy we need to take on the day. When we're well-rested it's a lot easier to adjust to things since we're in a better frame of mind. Spending time doing things we're passionate about can also alleviate stress which can give us a greater appreciation for all the wonderful things we have. Finding contentment within your life doesn't have to be difficult but it does require us to be aware of the attitude we bring into things along with being willing to work towards change.




The Value Of Effort


Enjoying The Small Things