Emotional Empowerment

Empowerment is a great thing to have in our lives since it can push us toward an overall happier outcome. Our emotions play a key role in this and being able to have them empower us to do the right thing can make all the difference. Today we want to cover why emotional empowerment is so important along with some techniques to help us work towards this.

Understanding Our Emotions

The key to emotional empowerment lies in promoting a genuine understanding of our emotions. There are many times throughout our lives when we may feel confused as to why we reacted a certain way. This often occurs when we feel that our judgment is clouded by our thoughts and emotions. Rather than simply letting ourselves continue to do this, a better approach is learning how to understand these feelings when they arise. Many of us experience thoughts of stress and anxiety and this is normal. There are some things we don't always have a clear answer to and being okay with that can help us find peace. Recognizing what makes you upset for example can teach you that some things aren't always worth the time or energy. It's valid to feel the way you do and accept that is healthy. Dwelling on it for an extended period of time can be harmful though since there eventually comes a point where we need to take positive action to work through this.

“The key to emotional empowerment lies in promoting a genuine understanding of our emotions.”

Working With Them

In order to truly make the most of our emotions, we need to work alongside them. This can only happen once we have a proper grasp on why we feel the way we do since it allows us to break things down in a manner that is constructive. Take happiness for example, in the moment we are elated at the thought of doing what we're doing and it feels good. Finding ways to replicate this is good because it can push us towards doing things that empower and make us truly feel better. Anger is another emotion to consider as well. Most of the time we view anger as something that is negative and should be pushed away, but in reality, anger can help motivate us towards positive change. If we're frustrated that we're not performing well in something we can take that as a sign to put effort into the areas where we think we could have done better. It can give us the ability to express ourselves in a more authentic manner when done properly and it can teach us the value in all of our emotions.

“In order to truly make the most of our emotions, we need to work alongside them.”

How Stability Helps

Emotional stability is the last area to consider in regards to empowerment. This is essential since it demonstrates that there is value in all of our emotions. While happiness is good, it would be dismissive of the wide variety of our other feelings that allow us to fully express how we are at any given time. Having emotional stability as our goal shifts up our mindset into something that can give us the courage to be more authentic to who we are as a person. Empowerment is only possible when we genuinely feel capable of expressing ourselves openly and honestly, and stability is one such way that we can do that.




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Making Positive Change