Unstructured Free Time

Time is by far our most valuable resource since we effectively trade it in exchange for many other things. Learning how to manage it can give us an advantage in life because of the healthier methods and habits we can build as a result. One form of time that can truly benefit us is unstructured free time. Let's look at why this can improve the quality of our life.

A True Break From Things

Feeling like we always have to be on or ready to take on a task can be exhausting. The issue with this is that we're not giving our minds the space they need to disconnect and reflect on what we've experienced. When we're always making plans, yes we are maximizing our time but we have to also consider the time in between the different events we participate in. A good example of it could be making plans daily. The problem here is that we aren't giving ourselves time to recharge from all the social outings or activities. When done too much it can lead to burnout or stress because we may be forgoing our needs. Unstructured free time functions as a true break from all the responsibilities and goals we've set for ourselves. It gives us a mental reprieve and can help us relax and re-evaluate our priorities.

“Unstructured free time functions as a true break from all the responsibilities and goals we've set for ourselves.”

Reconnecting With What You Love

All of us have different things that we value. It could be video games, reading, sports, or even playing music. Unstructured free time gives our mind time to wander and it's during this that we're more likely to get back to a hobby that we're passionate about. Life gives us so many opportunities to pursue new interests and it can be liberating having enough time to follow through with these. It's good to take some time to think about all the things you usually do on a daily basis and see which ones you want to dedicate more time to. We won't always have enough time for everything in a day which is all the more reason why we have to be more aware of what we spend our time with.

“All of us have different things that we value.”

Creating Unstructured Free Time

There's a lot of discipline needed when it comes to creating unstructured free time since it might not always be easy. Thankfully there are ways to help with this. For one removing any distractions such as turning off our phone or electronics for example can make it much easier for us to do this. Being aware of our weekly schedule is another method to help with this since it allows us to take on things earlier in the week to clear up time later. It's worth having a good amount of unstructured free time each day since it can help our mind rest without needing to think too much. Some of our best ideas happen when we have the space to breathe and this is best seen during free time.




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