Building Better Habits

Our habits have the ability to empower us to perform better while also providing us joy. Learning how to work on these can give us the ability to improve our lives. Sometimes we may have habits that work against us which is good to address. Today we want to talk about some ways to work on this and why it's important.

Know What You Want to Change

Part of being able to work on our habits involves knowing what it is that we want to change. Writing things down is a good first step since it can help us practice awareness with the things that we do. We can also opt to check in with ourselves and meditate to take a more introspective look. A good example of building a better habit can be something as simple as eating and sleeping better. Too often do we find ourselves eating things that make us feel worse afterward which is good to address. The same can be said for going to bed late since that can leave us tired afterward. Rather than continuing to push through these habits, slowing down and acknowledging that there are better ways to handle this can help you out immensely.

“Part of being able to work on our habits involves knowing what it is that we want to change.”

Take Active Steps

Once we have a good semblance of what it is we're looking to change, we need to then take the active steps to do so. One way we can do this is to take small steps. This is good because it helps us be mindful that there can be a lot of mental barriers when it comes to change. Sometimes we may need some convincing that these new habits can be better for us. Complacency can be a contributor to this since it can make us feel comfortable with what we do even if it's not always constructive. Breaking out of this is best done by working on getting out of the comfort zone. We can do this by trying new things and by learning that it's okay to fail. We can use this as an opportunity to grow and learn from ourselves while being proactive with our habits.

“Once we have a good semblance of what it is we're looking to change, we need to then take the active steps to do so.”

Give Yourself Time

Similar to taking active steps, we need to also give ourselves time if we truly want to build better habits. Depending on who we are and our own background, it can take a while for us to form new habits. Being patient is part of this since we can't force these kinds of changes. Building better habits is one of the best forms of self-care out there since it teaches us to value ourselves. Finding a positive environment along with people who also value this can help speed up the process. Cultivating your own space that allows you to work on yourself is good since it can keep positivity within your life. Like most things in life, slowing down and focusing on the process rather than the end goal can keep you centered while actively improving the areas you want to work on.




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