Being Happy With Your Decisions

Every single day we make different decisions. Some of them are small, others more important. Being aware of these can help us since we want to be mindful of the choices we make. Certain decisions are easier than others but others can leave us with doubt. Today we want to talk about a different approach to this so we can be happier with the decisions we make.

Trust Yourself

Trust is a key part of being content with our decisions. It's important to consider how we feel when we're making a choice that we feel uninformed about. Chances are it could be the result of a lack of research or we simply might not know how we'd react. Even with a lot of research for a choice, it can still leave us feeling doubt which is okay. It's healthy to recognize that at any given moment we're doing the best with the information we have available. We have to be okay with trusting ourselves with big life choices such as what to major in or what school we want to go to. Certain things only we can provide the answers for and it takes an active effort to be okay with whatever happens. Trusting ourselves can make both the process and after-effects of a decision that much easier on ourselves.

“Trust is a key part of being content with our decisions.”

Use It As A Means Of Learning

Treating each decision as a learning experience can make it much easier in the long run. Many times we might find ourselves regretting a decision which isn't always conducive to our well-being. Regret comes with a slew of negative “what ifs” that make us doubt our own capabilities. Instead of doing this, we need to look at things from a more positive outlook. An optimistic perspective teaches us to see things from a “glass half full” point of view. This is great for decision-making since it can help affirm the time and effort we put into our choices. We can also take time to meditate on our choices to help us reflect on how and why we felt when we made them. This can give us the means to reframe our actions and give us greater context as to our thoughts.

“Treating each decision as a learning experience can make it much easier in the long run.”

Have A Good Moral Compass

A positive moral compass can make the decision-making process much easier. A good example of this is having a moral compass that focuses on self-care and building empathy. Both of these qualities help ensure that our own needs are taken care of while being receptive to the needs of others. Everyone has a different idea of how to do the right thing and it's good to check in with ourselves to make sure we have positive values. Making decisions isn't always easy but we can be happier with the results when we have a healthy framework to use. When our thoughts and actions work in harmony, only then can we make decisions that we're happy with.




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