Being Efficient With Your Time

With only so much time in the day, it's all the more reason to value how we spend it so we can make the most out of it. School and work can take up a good portion of our day but it's how we use it in between those that can give us the drive to maximize it. Today we want to look at a few easy ways to be more efficient with our time.

Have A List And Stick To It

Certain things won't get done unless we have a specific time frame or list in mind and we proactively stick to it. A good example of this can be creating a good exercise routine. Rather than simply hoping that we get the motivation to exercise, we need to build these habits sooner rather than later. Setting aside a certain time of the day to do things that we want to do can help us work on the discipline needed to follow through with it. If there's a hobby that we value we need to take time to do it if we want to actually enjoy it. Taking time after school to do said hobby is one such way to do so. Having a list can hold us accountable for doing things since we can check each thing off as we do them.

“Certain things won't get done unless we have a specific time frame or list in mind and we proactively stick to it.”

Take One Day To Solve Things

One approach to time management is by doing some activities throughout your week so we can pace things out better. This strategy can be effective if done right but another method of this is by simply taking one day out of the week to solve most of the major things that need to be done. A good example of this is taking a day to buy groceries in bulk so that we'll be taken care of food-wise for longer while also saving money by not having to make as many trips. Another example of this could be taking care of health-related issues the same day by scheduling a doctor’s appointment beforehand. That way it allows us time to do things we need to do afterwards. This approach can free up more time throughout the week since the big-ticket plans only require one day to get them done.

“One approach to time management is by doing some activities throughout your week so we can pace things out better.”

Set Boundaries For Your Time

We can't always be productive since that's an unrealistic expectation to have. Having healthy boundaries with your time can make it so that we're more aware of them along with not losing time to small things that can take them up. Having a limit to scrolling through social media for example is one way to help with this since it can be addictive otherwise. Limiting how much time we're on a phone call with someone can also help here since it can free up time for other things that may be a priority. Recognizing when you need time for yourself to mentally unwind away from all your responsibilities can make a world of difference and we can only do that when we're able to set these boundaries.




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