Why We Need To Trust Ourselves

If there's any person we need to trust it's ourselves. This is largely in part because the intrapersonal relationship we have with ourselves is the longest one we have in our lives. We do change significantly at each stage in our lives and it can be the result of our environment, new experiences, or simply us getting older. Learning how to trust ourselves can be a complicated endeavor depending on what we've been through but today we want to make that process easier.

It Helps Us Be Authentic

Feeling comfortable with who you are can be one of the most liberating things in the world. It takes courage to share your thoughts and express yourself since we may feel vulnerable doing so. Even though we may be afraid of what others think of us, an authentic life is one of the best things around since it promotes honesty. It's possible to be honest while still being diplomatic which is a key thing to balance. Just because we're living life in a manner that makes us content, doesn't give us a free pass to ignore our moral compass. Authenticity and good integrity should be our overall goal since it allows us to trust ourselves to do the right thing so that we can improve the quality of our lives through positive action.

“Feeling comfortable with who you are can be one of the most liberating things in the world.”

Building Resilience

All of us will experience some form of a setback at some point in our lives but the important thing is how we handle it. Sometimes stress can cause us to retreat from something difficult whereas others may face it head on. Neither approach is wrong but the great thing about trusting ourselves is that it helps us work on resilience so that we can manage these challenges when they arise. As students, we'll have tests that can be difficult, assignments that we're unfamiliar with, and peers we may not always get along with. Looking at adversity as a puzzle that can be solved is one such way that we can have a better relationship with ourselves since most of the time it's just a matter of perspective.

“All of us will experience some form of a setback at some point in our lives but the important thing is how we handle it.”

Promoting Independence

While we do live in a social world, we still need to be comfortable having a sense of independence. This is largely in part because of us needing to do many things on our own without outside help. Being okay with asking for help is good since it teaches us the value of cooperation. With that said, doing things by ourselves is a great way of establishing self-trust. It can help with learning since we'll need to have some form of self-motivation to get things done in addition to having a genuine desire to understand how things work. This is especially crucial in higher education since we're responsible for creating our schedule along with managing our time so that we can balance school, work, and social responsibilities. Trust is an important concept and it starts with being able to look at ourselves with confidence.




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