Prosocial Behavior

Behavior is something that can be influenced by many factors and one element that contributes to this is how we view ourselves in relation to others. Some behavior can be considered good for others such as a prosocial approach. Today we want to discuss why this matters and what it is.

Defining Prosocial Behavior

When we consider how we act, there are many things that we may do out of self-interest. This isn't necessarily a bad thing as it can help us be mindful of the things we either want or need within our lives. Prosocial behavior challenges this by being focused on “voluntary actions that are intended to help or benefit others.” One of the primary emotions behind this type of behavior is empathy which gives us the ability to put ourselves in someone else's shoes. This approach is good as it helps benefit humanity in a multitude of different manners while also helping out the individual in the process.

“Prosocial behavior challenges this by being focused on “voluntary actions that are intended to help or benefit others.””

The Benefits of This Approach

One of the biggest questions is why is this approach good? This is good to think about as it may initially be hard to see the value in spending our time in a manner that prioritizes others. Helping people is good from an ethical perspective and this is largely because we are a lot more dependent on people than we realize. Being around others who offer positivity and support can empower us to make better decisions along with providing a sense of comfort. This inherent mood-lifting effect can be done for others by taking an active approach to our behavior. There are many instances where we can give resources to help those who are in need. Whether that be by purchasing water for someone who needs it or giving money or possessions to someone who could benefit from it. Realizing that we have affluence in our lives gives us an abundance mindset that is used prosocially which is good given that it lets us treat others like our equals. Things such as stress melt away when we find the time to honestly give back to others. This can be done in any social circle and can include spending time with people who could use emotional support. The world runs on good deeds and being the first to engage with this can raise both awareness and positivity in others.

“Helping people is good from an ethical perspective and this is largely because we are a lot more dependent on people than we realize.”

Why we Need to Integrate This

Life is more than just a series of personal challenges that we need to overcome, rather it is a combination of our experiences with the world. This includes our interactions with people as a whole. Being able to practice generosity and altruistic qualities is good since it allows us to see the value in helping others. It’s the idea that practicing good deeds without expectation of receiving anything in return that fuels this mindset. We don't always need to have a reward in mind when doing things for others. The simple act of helping someone is a reward in and of itself.




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