Why It’s Good to Pace to Yourself

Knowing who you are and how you handle the many different challenges and responsibilities of life is important. All of us are different and we have a certain speed that works best for us when it comes to getting things done. Today we want to discuss why it's good to pace yourself along with some mentality shifts that can help with this.

We All Need Breaks

Breaks and being able to take some time for ourselves is a core part of proper pacing. A great example of this involves being aware of our mental health. When we take the time to do things such as our assignments late at night, we may find ourselves being more tired than usual. This is because our bodies may not be used to this sort of focus at this hour. Rather than staying up late trying to work on something, we can opt to build our schedule around our responsibilities earlier in the day. This is better since it allows us to factor in time for breaks and such which allow us to rest our minds after something tough. Proper pacing requires us to know when we need to work on something, and when to give ourselves the space to simply be.

“Breaks and being able to take some time for ourselves is a core part of proper pacing.”

Knowing Your Limits

Understanding what we're capable of is another good thing to keep in mind when it comes to pacing ourselves. Many of us may find ourselves in a situation where we may not realize that we're pushing ourselves too much for something. This can include trying to juggle getting good grades, while also doing a part-time job along with balancing a social life. While it is possible to do all of this with the right amount of planning and balance, it can be overwhelming at times. Being able to focus on the fundamentals and giving yourself a good baseline for what you need to do can help you see what your limits are. Like most things in life, moderation can allow us to better value what's within our power along with giving us the tools needed to work towards what we truly care about.

“Understanding what we're capable of is another good thing to keep in mind when it comes to pacing ourselves.”

Building Empowerment

Empowerment is the last key element in pacing ourselves. Ultimately we want to slow down and practice this sort of awareness because it gives us a better semblance of how to best live our lives. Being able to say that we value who we are by allowing us to make the space we need is a great way to pace ourselves through our daily activities. Some helpful ways to do this are by telling others you need time to think things through on a decision or by simply taking the time to work on things. It's important to recognize that pacing ourselves comes with the understanding that we still need to work on our responsibilities, it's more of a matter of accomplishing them in a manner that is more sustainable for us to do.




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