The Benefits of Writing Outside of School

Writing is one of the most crucial skills for both students and teachers alike. It serves as one of the primary means of communication along with having many practical uses. Today we want to take some time to discuss the benefits of writing outside of school.


Writing and Communication

As one of our means of communicating with others, writing can be used to help convey thoughts and information in an accessible form. Letters are one such example of this as most of them are written by hand. Email is another way that writing is used as it is used by schools and businesses alike for various forms of collaboration. Teachers and students need to have this form of communication available as it allows them to discuss assignments and any changes in class scheduling. It is also useful for group assignments as well given that students can talk among each other through emails or even texting. Writing can help you hone your communication skills in an environment that encourages it as well. Workshops and clubs are available for this which can help students with an active interest.

“Writing can help you hone your communication skills in an environment that encourages it as well.”


It Fosters Creativity

Writing is a great means of creating worlds far beyond the scope of our imagination. This is done through techniques and concepts such as setting, tone, along with plot and character development. Creativity is good to have as it helps us in other aspects such as finding outside of the box solutions to problems. Writing in particular helps give a lot of control toward the writer in terms of how they want to craft their idea. Good writing allows for readers to be able to envision the world being described along with being able to relate to the characters on the page. Creative writing is seen in many different forms of media such as film, books and more. It can give you a greater appreciation for these as it will make you aware of the subtle nuances that go along with writing.

“Writing in particular helps give a lot of control toward the writer in terms of how they want to craft their idea.”


It Functions as an Outlet

Many students may have a difficult time when it comes to self-expression. This can be due to a variety of circumstances either internal or external. Many teachers and counselors recommend that students seek an outlet for this. This can be something along the lines of talking to others or other activities to help. Writing, in particular, is a great way to function as a sort of reprieve from the stresses of daily life. It can help you put your emotions on paper in a constructive sort of manner. Different types of writing such as freewriting help by giving you a space to write free of any judgment. Other types of writing can help you with other elements as well such as persuasive writing. Given the wide variety of writing styles, each one can help in a different aspect a student may need help with. It can be transformative as well as a tool for positive change.




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