How Humor Helps Happiness

Promoting good mental habits can help boost your mood along with your overall view of the world. One of the most common ways of integrating happiness into your life is to embrace humor. Humor has a wide variety of benefits for your health and overall well-being. Let's take a look!

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It Keeps Your Body Healthy

There's a reason why the expression “laughter is the best medicine” has stuck around for as long as it has. Laughter specifically can be a simple yet effective way to help you feel better while also appreciating the present. One way this can help is that laughter is known to help lower stress. This is done in several ways. Since we need to inhale more oxygen while laughing, this can be used to help stimulate our lungs along with relieving any tension within our muscles. When our muscles are relaxed, it makes it easier to decompress and unwind. More oxygen within the body also means that our risk of heart disease is lowered given that our blood cells will be healthier as a result. Another great benefit of laughter is that it generates endorphin's which trigger a positive feeling within the body. This in turn lowers the amount of stress hormones being produced. Whenever you're feeling a little under the weather, a little bit of laughter can help get you on the right track.

“Laughter specifically can be a simple yet effective way to help you feel better while also appreciating the present.”


Humor Makes Interacting With Others Easier

A common issue that many students may struggle with is social anxiety. While this is a complicated issue, one helpful way to ease into being more social is implementing humor into your interactions. Humor is one of the best ways of making a good first impression with others as it can be a good way of introducing yourself. It's easy for us to take things very seriously in either existing friend groups or in new ones which is why humor is necessary as a social convention to bridge that gap. It can help you see that there is something comedic to be found in things unexpected along with having others take part in it too. It can be something as simple as a joke or a witty form of storytelling as well. Humor can help people relate through its wide appeal and universality across most cultures.

“It's easy for us to take things very seriously in either existing friend groups or in new ones which is why humor is necessary as a social convention to bridge that gap.”


Humor Makes Life More Enjoyable

Tying into the idea of positive thinking, humor is one of the best possible ways to promote these habits. Humor gives us the opportunity to see things in a new manner which can be applied in a different manner. Good examples of humor are being able to build someone up through the use of embracing their better qualities. When it comes to humor things can be easily misinterpreted and like any form of communication, you want people to feel better after being in their presence. Humor can make life much more fun and enjoyable simply because of the perspective shift alone. Like anything else, humor is what you make of it, and if done correctly it can empower yourself and those around you.




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