Breaking Down Stress

Stress can be tough to manage at times since it can feel overwhelming. Thankfully there are ways to help with this. Being able to have the tools to work on things can make a world of difference. Today we want to break down stress to make it more manageable.

Understand What Prompts Stress

Stress can be caused in different ways. Most of the time it can be a direct response to something happening. A sudden responsibility change is one such example of this since it can throw us out of our routine. The same can be said when we find ourselves in a situation we're not used to. Chronic stress can also be another cause of this. It can include something like discomfort for example. Distinguishing these two is important because in some cases we can directly handle the situation. When we take the time to practice awareness we can make it that much easier to understand what is causing stress, and then handle it.

“Distinguishing these two is important because in some cases we can directly handle the situation.”

Work Out Actionable Steps

Stress is much more easier to manage when we're proactive in our approach. One way to do this is by taking actionable steps. If we're feeling stressed about a pop quiz we can take some time to focus on our breathing. This can calm us down and help us slow down our thoughts in an effective manner. If we have a big project in front of us that seems like a lot, we can write down the steps we need to take. Things like this make it much more feasible to accomplish our goals. When something stresses us out we can take time to slow down and see how we can improve things in the moment. If we discover that something may be more difficult than we expect, we can also opt to ask for help. Some things are best handled with others and this includes stress. Talking to people to see if they've been through something similar can help us understand what to do when the moment arises.

“Stress is much more easier to manage when we're proactive in our approach.”

Recognize That Things Will Work Out

It's good to keep in mind what is part of our internal and external locus of control. Things that we influence are part of our internal locus of control. Things we don't have an influence over are part of our external locus of control. Learning how to put effort into what we do have agency over is important since these are the things that truly matter. We shouldn't give as much weight to things beyond our control since they were more than likely going to happen anyway. When we're aware of our actions we can use them to work towards the result that will help us. A good mentality is recognizing that things will work out. This takes away some of the stress from a situation and allows us to work on what we have direct control over. While stress is a part of our lives, we do have the choice to live in a manner that makes us happy.




Making The Best Out of Any Situation


Finding Happiness With What You Have