Why Electives Are Important

The different courses we take in school contribute to our overall success on our academic journey. Electives are part of this and are great since students are able to pick and choose which ones appeal to them. They serve a bigger purpose and today we want to see why these are so important.

Electives Give Choices

Feeling that you have a sense of choice within your life is one of the most valuable things for our well-being. Electives provide this since students are able to pick them out. This is a great sample of what's in store for higher education since students will have to choose not just their courses, but when they're doing them as well. Granted, certain courses are mandatory depending on the major, but even within that, there's still a plethora of options. This also extends to general electives in college as well since they're still required. The benefit of being able to choose a class means that students are learning that they do have the power to pick the direction of their education to tailor it to their wants better. Feeling that your learning has a degree of personalization to it makes it more fun and motivating because of the customization it offers.

“Feeling that you have a sense of choice within your life is one of the most valuable things for our well-being.”

Encouraging Self-Sufficiency

Research is an important part of the academic process and this holds true regardless of the courses we take. Since we have more agency with electives, we're more encouraged to put forth effort beforehand to see what they're usually about. Understanding these expectations can help us determine whether it's something we want to commit to or whether there's another option we may prefer more. Weighing pros and cons is worth doing when picking out classes since we might like the idea of an elective but the process of following through with it might not be what we had hoped. The benefit of doing this is that electives help encourage self-sufficiency as a result of the choice that's provided. In college, for example, taking extra electives during a semester means allocating both time and finances appropriately so that we can give them our best effort.

“Research is an important part of the academic process and this holds true regardless of the courses we take.”

Meeting Others

One of the best parts about electives is meeting others who share similar interests. A class club or sports team can lead to a sense of camaraderie with those around you since you'll be participating in all the events these environments provide. Part of the enjoyment of electives is the people you meet since they have the potential to become friends for life. Depending on the electives you take, you may wind up meeting those same students in other courses. Going into things with an open mind and a willingness to get to know people can make it a lot more fun. Like many things in life, the amount of time and energy we put into our electives can pay off by helping us better ourselves and learn about who we are in the process.




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