The Pomodoro Study Method

Finding a study style that works for you is vital since it can make you more effective at getting schoolwork done. One extremely effective technique is the Pomodoro method which helps to eliminate distractions. Today we want to talk about what it is and why it's worth considering.

What is it?

The Pomodoro technique is built around time management but it can be applied to many areas. The general idea is that you pick a task you want to accomplish and set a 25-minute timer to work until it ends. When the timer runs out, take a five-minute break to refresh yourself. After that repeat the process and after the fourth session take a longer break of up to thirty minutes. The main benefit of this is that it helps your mind stay on track with the current task at hand while still giving you proper breaks to pace yourself through things. This works for time management since it minimizes wasted time from distractions and gives a proper reward system by giving you breaks.

“The Pomodoro technique is built around time management but it can be applied to many areas.”

Less Distractions

Distractions can be hard to work through at times. Common distractions include our phones going off when we're studying or social media. Normally these things are fine but when we're being productive they don't help. The Pomodoro technique encourages us to silence our phones and be in an environment that is conducive to learning such as a quiet space. It takes mental discipline to not give in to things that might derail us from our schoolwork and it can be hard at times. Removing distractions is good though since it helps us be more present in our actions. Not only does it make it easier to finish schoolwork, but it can give us a greater appreciation for our time as well since we value it more when we're in the moment.

“The Pomodoro technique encourages us to silence our phones and be in an environment that is conducive to learning such as a quiet space.”

Time Management

Time is our most important resource and with the right techniques, we can manage it better. The Pomodoro technique helps us group smaller goals together more easily and allows us to break them down in a simpler fashion. It also lets us work on larger goals in a more approachable manner by giving us actionable steps that we can do so we're not trying to do everything in one go. Approachability is important with a proper study technique. With 25 minutes per interval, it's a lot easier to start something since the commitment isn't as high. This in turn leads to us getting more things done than we expect because we'll have more energy after each session. Something good to keep in mind is that we shouldn't necessarily feel ashamed if we procrastinate on a task. Sometimes things come up that are very urgent and that's okay since life happens. Building discipline though is something we can do over a long period of time and it's good to do so since it helps us work past habits we want to get rid of.




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