Streamlining Studying

Studying is an important part of school since it can help make tests and assignments easier with enough diligence. It allows students to understand the class material better and gives them the tools needed to succeed. With that in mind, there are many ways to help make the process better and more streamlined overall and we want to look into how to do that.


One thing that plays a big role in studying is how motivated we are. Motivation can be complex because what serves as an incentive for one person might be different for another. The key thing here is taking the time to understand what it is that drives you and what you're ultimately looking for out of an activity or goal. Examining what gets us to start studying can help with this. It could be that a test is looming over the horizon or it could be because we need to do some extra credit to catch up on a course. The thing here is that we need to WANT to study since it'll serve as an intrinsic form of motivation. This is good because we're able to find the action itself rewarding instead of the end goal.

“One thing that plays a big role in studying is how motivated we are.”


Habits on the other hand are formed after doing something consistently for a long enough time. These can range from good habits such as exercise, to bad habits such as eating unhealthy food. These can be more difficult to form since motivation can also play a role here as well. Sometimes intrinsic motivation isn't enough and we need to rely on external rewards to start something. It can be buying a book or a game or even just spending some time doing something fun after a long study session. Rewards can be a good way of starting something because it gives us a tangible treat to look forward to as a result of our efforts.

“Habits on the other hand are formed after doing something consistently for a long enough time.”

Organization And Productivity

Being organized can save a lot of time and effort when studying. A good example of this is a planner where we take a bit of time to figure out which day we're doing which task along with a time frame we're expected to be free for it. Setting limits on when to stop studying can also help a lot since it teaches us to be efficient with the time we have. With too much time available there's not as much urgency to do things which can often backfire. Things such as the Pomodoro method where we work in short bursts are a great productivity hack since they can help us make the most of our time studying. The main thing with organization is that you want it to feel personal and accommodating to your lifestyle. Some amount of flexibility is needed since different things can arise throughout the day but consistency can help us form good habits that can help us.




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