Keeping Creativity in Your Life

Being creative can act as a form of healing when we're experiencing difficult times. There are many changes we will encounter both during school and throughout life and some of them are easier to manage than others. A creative outlet though can work wonders for your well-being which is all the more reason why we need to keep this form of positivity in our lives.

Make Time For Creative Endeavors

Time management plays a key role in how successful we are in many aspects. School is a great way to hone these skills since it provides us with a gradual increase in taking care of responsibilities. Balancing multiple assignments is one example of this since we usually take multiple courses over a semester. Even with all of the things we need to do, we need to be proactive in taking care of our own needs and wants outside of our responsibilities. Our mental well-being falls under this and we need to do activities that can give us a sense of control within our lives. Setting aside time specifically for creative endeavors is important since it's an extension of how we express ourselves.

“Time management plays a key role in how successful we are in many aspects.”

Surround Yourself With Other Creatives

Everyone has something they're passionate about. For some people, it's learning more about the intricacies of how the world works through science. For others, it's a matter of expressing oneself through different mediums such as music, or art. If we really want to keep creativity in our lives we need to surround ourselves with others who value creativity just as much as we do. One of the best things about having good people by your side is that we can all inspire one another. We can do this by building each other up and by offering to help one another. This applies within the creative field just as much as anywhere else since we need others to be able to see the bigger picture.

“Everyone has something they're passionate about.”

Be Willing to See Things Differently

Our own experiences and the perspective we bring along with them are relevant to how we express ourselves creatively. Being able to see things in a different manner is helpful not just for creativity but also for building empathy. Classes based on the arts and humanities require their own amount of outside-of-the-box thinking when it comes to projects. An essay requires us to critically think about our own perspective and how we're able to string together our thoughts in a cohesive manner. Freeform means of expression such as freewriting or simply painting are their own unique ways of viewing things. A lack of structure in and of itself can be liberating and can help us focus on the things we truly value. Creative expression is necessary for us to have a healthy and balanced life since it can give us an outlet for sorting through our thoughts and emotions.




The Value of Generosity


Valuing Ourselves