The One Day At A Time Approach

Wanting to get a lot of things done is admirable and ambitious. Sometimes we might have grandiose plans that take place over a long period of time. One of the issues with this is that it doesn't consider how we feel in the moment on a given day. A different approach we can do is taking things one day at a time. Here's why this is so effective.

Being Aware Of Our Emotions

How we feel at a given point in time can have a big impact on how efficient we are with getting things done. When we're tired we might not have any desire to do things and will simply need to rest. The same applies to when we're feeling sad or sick. We need time to recover and give ourselves the time we need to manage our feelings. How we handle this is unique depending on the emotion. Anger for instance can be used to spark positive change when used properly. The value of focusing on one day at a time is that it allows us to be considerate of our feelings so we can get our tasks done with them in mind. Ignoring how we feel for the sake of following through with our goals isn't always the answer and can be considered a form of neglect. Self-care is crucial and we always need to incorporate that into our plans.

“How we feel at a given point in time can have a big impact on how efficient we are with getting things done.”

Focusing On The Present

Oftentimes when we're planning out our week we can miss out on some of the more subtle aspects of our day. A good sense of flexibility can give us a greater appreciation for the present moment. The same can be said for being spontaneous since it's usually more enjoyable than planning something fun. A major benefit to focusing on the present is that it allows us to see what we're capable of doing on a given day. If we're feeling well and have the time it can motivate us to get extra schoolwork done so we have extra time for later in the week in case we don't feel well. This is a practical way to plan ahead for later while still living in the moment since it takes into account all the things we have to do on a given day.

“A good sense of flexibility can give us a greater appreciation for the present moment.”

It Gives Us Time To Appreciate What We Have

The true value of doing things one day at a time is that it allows us to appreciate the things we do have. There's nothing wrong with wanting to better your life and it's worth doing to increase the overall quality of things. With that in mind, being grateful for where we are is important. It teaches us to value the people in our lives along with learning how to cherish our lives. It's easy to get caught in the idea that things can always be better but that would be dismissive of all the good things we're currently experiencing. The real reason we want to focus on one day at a time is because the present is a gift and we need to care for it.




Learning Through Fun


Building Emotional Intelligence