Being In Charge Of Your Happiness

Happiness can seem temporary at times similar to a leaf floating in the wind. There are moments where it can feel long-lasting as well. It's good to recognize whether our feelings of happiness are a result of what happens to us or because we're putting in the active effort to work towards this feeling. A great way to handle this is to take charge of your own happiness. Today we want to talk about why this matters and some mindset changes that can help us.

Choose How You Spend Your Time

Time is often considered our greatest resource which is why we need to use it wisely. We have a lot of say in how and when we use our time. While there are a lot of moments where we have to do things at a certain time such as school and work, we still have influence over how some things are handled. For example, during class, we want to make the positive choice of being involved in the topic at hand by being engaged. Being present is one such way to make the most of our time since it helps us stay in the moment. Outside of our responsibilities, our free time can be a great source of joy. Simply taking the time to work on something you care about like a hobby or sport can be its own reward.

“Time is often considered our greatest resource which is why we need to use it wisely.”

How You Respond Is Your Choice

Oftentimes one of the best ways to handle things is by remembering that we have a choice in how we respond. We can choose to take things as a learning opportunity instead of viewing them as us failing. We can look for positive intent in people’s words and recognize that they may be trying to look out for us. Friends and family ideally want what’s best for us and we need to be thankful for the effort they put in and consider what they have to say. Happiness, like our mindset, is a conscious choice. We can choose to be happy and grateful for what we have instead of seeing what we don't have. When we view happiness as something we're able to choose, it can empower us to make decisions to lead us to that.

“Oftentimes one of the best ways to handle things is by remembering that we have a choice in how we respond.”

Accepting Responsibility

If we truly want to take charge of our happiness we need to accept responsibility for our own feelings. This is effectively a form of emotional maturity since it helps us understand that we're in charge of our emotions. If we do this we're able to shift our mindset in a way that prevents us from attaching our feelings purely to the actions of others. It's good to recognize that there's a balance between someone else's actions and how we interpret them since it isn't always someone else at fault. Sometimes it's possible that we may have been looking at things from the wrong perspective and we may need time to reflect. Responsibility teaches us the value of our happiness and how we have a lot more power than we realize.




Treating Others With Kindness


Working Towards Happiness