Giving Your Time

There are many different resources out there in the world. Some of the more common ones are money, food, and water, but what if we told you that the most valuable resource is something that is intangible? What we're alluding to is time, and this is arguably one of the most important things for many reasons. Today we want to discuss the importance of giving your time.

It Teaches Time Management

Time management is an essential skill that can be seen at every stage in our lives. Spending your time wisely is important as you want to make sure that you have enough to do all of your daily responsibilities. Giving your time however has some different components to it. For starters, when we give someone else our time and energy, it's good to keep in mind how long we plan to do this. In some cases, it may be a spontaneous event that can last as long as we want it to. In other instances giving our time may need to be a bit more planned as we may have other things we need to do during the day. Both of these are valid ways to manage activities and having the right amount of flexibility can be good as we do need to value our own time. There is a proper give and take when it comes to time and while being generous is good, we have to respect our boundaries.

“Time management is an essential skill that can be seen at every stage in our lives.”

It Promotes Happiness

Happiness is something that all of us have experienced at some point in time. There is a correlation between us spending time with others and the happiness that things like this can bring. One of the best examples of this is being with your friends. This is a simple yet effective means of giving your time in a manner that helps both sides. This can involve listening to them after a difficult day, or being there for them during a major life event. Even just spending a little bit of time to tell someone hello or that you appreciate them can go a long way toward promoting a better mindset. Life can be tough at times but there are always moments where you can find ways to spend that time with others.

“There is a correlation between us spending time with others and the happiness that things like this can bring.”

Giving Back to Others

There will always be someone in a position of need out there somewhere in the world and even if you can't give any physical resources, you can always give someone your time. For students, one of the best ways to do this is to volunteer within your community. Whether it be fellow students who need help with a class assignment or helping out the hungry, there are many ways your time can help. You can ask your teachers if they need a student assistant to help them around the classroom, or whether you organize papers for them. Being generous is a good quality to have and starting with small things can build up these good habits and help someone who deserves it.




Valuing Yourself


The Hierarchy of Needs