Tuning Into Your Feelings

Our feelings provide us with an incredible amount of insight into our inner world and how we process things. Usually, when we're too focused on being productive or trying to keep up with a fast pace it might come at the cost of ignoring how we feel. Learning how to slow down and assess these emotions when they arise is necessary to promote a good sense of well-being.

Your Feelings Are Valid

Our feelings all have a source, and they're effectively how we respond to the outside world. It's good to remember that we have a choice as to whether or not to be affected by things. It's also good to understand that this choice also extends to our actions as well. If we feel that we aren't being respected it’s good to stand up for ourselves since it teaches us confidence and personal effectiveness in the process. If things aren't fair then we need to say or do something about it if we have the opportunity to change things. Emotional validation is crucial because it helps us be okay with our feelings without having a negative stigma attached. Even emotions perceived as negative such as anger, or jealousy can help us work towards things that we value and help us understand the world better. Accepting all of our feelings makes it so that we can give them the credence they need.

“Our feelings all have a source, and they're effectively how we respond to the outside world.”

Know What Feeling You're Going Through

Sometimes we might be experiencing a whirlwind of emotions at times. Recognizing which one is the strongest can make it easier to understand them and in turn make the space needed to accept ourselves. Meditation is often recommended for this because it helps us focus on our inner world without the stimulation from the outside. This sort of self-reflection can help us recognize whether our actions are contributing to the world for the better or if we need to stop and adjust things. Each emotion provides insight into a part of ourselves that wants to be understood or whether there are unfulfilled needs we need to work towards.

“Meditation is often recommended for this because it helps us focus on our inner world without the stimulation from the outside.”

Respond Appropriately

Tuning into our feelings also means that we need our actions to be appropriate for each situation. While anger is valid that doesn't mean it's a justification for taking it out on others. The same applies to sadness too. Just because we're sad doesn't give us the right to force others to change themselves because of it. The best thing we can do is understand those feelings and let someone know how we feel if they're directly tied to it. This approach emphasizes expression rather than change and gives others the agency to respond appropriately. Our emotions can feel complicated at times but like anything else they take time and understanding to make sense of them. Being gentle and patient can help us bring forth the courage needed to enact positive change and promote self-love.




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