How Responsibility Teaches Us About Ourselves

Being able to recognize areas where we can take responsibility is a good thing. Given that we need to take care of many different tasks and assignments, this can help us not only in school but for our lives. Today we want to dive into how responsibility teaches us about ourselves.

It Shows Our Priorities

Everyone has a different set of priorities that they care about and value. For some, we may put greater emphasis on our relationships. Other people may put emphasis on personal or academic development. These are good to keep in mind as they can give us insight into the things we truly care about. Our priorities can help us and give us a good foundation for the things that we need to do along with the hierarchy in which we do them. This is essential as some things need to be done sooner than others. We can take this a step further and say that our future academic choices can be a reflection of the responsibilities we are willing to take for our dream. Understanding what we want is essential to knowing who we are and being transparent about this can help.

“Everyone has a different set of priorities that they care about and value.”

Finding Meaning

Some responsibilities are mandatory but that doesn't mean we can't find meaning or fulfillment in them. One way to do this is to take joy in the effort we put into things. While it can be hard to see the importance of something such as homework in the moment, we can try re-framing it. One healthy perspective is that the responsibilities that we are doing now are helping us later in life. This can help empower us and give us the sense that each of these activities does help. Our homework specifically can help boost our grades and give us some room to work around in case we struggle with a large assignment. Seeing things in a different light can help us find benefits for our responsibilities and in turn, see how they can help us learn about ourselves.

“One healthy perspective is that the responsibilities that we are doing now are helping us later in life.”

Responsibility Fosters Independence

If there is any benefit to responsibility it's that it can foster independence. This can be seen in many ways. School specifically helps us hone these skills by giving us things to do in a timely manner. This mimics the types of responsibilities we will see later in life which is good to learn early. There are many things that will not have clear cut answers or solutions but seeing how we plan and react to these matter just as much. For instance, if we find ourselves struggling under too many responsibilities, we may need to reevaluate which ones to do when. Simply making a list and crossing things off one by one is a practical way to help with this. Learning about ourselves requires us to take time to practice self-awareness. This allows us to see ourselves in a manner that is constructive and lets us own our qualities. It is our responsibility to adapt to the ever changing nature of school and our lives.




Making Time For Your Happiness


Concept-Based Learning