Being Mindful of Our Habits

Our habits can influence how we go about our daily lives along with the interactions we have with the world around us. It's good to recognize which of our habits are conducive to our well-being and which ones we need to work on. Mindfulness can help with this since there might be habits we have that we're unaware of. Today we want to do a deep dive and see how mindfulness can help make a difference in our habits.

Being Grateful For Our Good Habits

Good habits help us a lot more than we'd expect. Certain habits such as brushing our teeth at least twice a day is a great example of this since it helps us work on our health. The same can be said for doing exercise daily. Something important to consider for our habits is the motivation behind them. Asking yourself whether you're doing it for the intrinsic motivation behind it or for a reward is important. The best habits are the ones where we simply find joy in doing them because they're good for us. With that in mind, doing things for a reward can help us create better habits. One example can be treating yourself to something after taking a weekend of not using social media. This can help establish a time to let us disconnect from things while telling ourselves that we should be rewarded for this positive choice.

“Good habits help us a lot more than we'd expect.”

Learning From Our Bad Habits

Our bad habits can teach us a lot about ourselves. A common bad habit is eating too much candy. Not only does this have a lot of sugar in it, but it can make us hyper as well which can lead to worse decisions. Asking why we do certain habits is good because it can make us more aware of what we need to change. If we find ourselves consistently waking up tired it could be the result of not getting enough rest. Is this because we're not taking enough downtime in the evening to unwind? Or could it be the result of staying up too late? Both of these things are good to address since it helps us get to the root of our habits and gives us the option to change them. Ideally, we want our habits to empower us so we can make the right choices.

“Asking why we do certain habits is good because it can make us more aware of what we need to change.”

Being Okay With Who we Are

Practicing acceptance of our habits and being okay with who we are matters. Certain habits are much harder to break than others and we need to accept that everyone goes at their own pace. We shouldn't shame ourselves for having bad habits either since it's unrealistic to not have any flaws with what we do. A much better approach is to be patient with the process and be okay with how things turn out. With that in mind, an attitude of gratitude and rewarding ourselves can go a long way toward sustaining good habits.




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