How to Improve at What You Enjoy

Improvement can be a challenging thing to work towards since there always seems to be a skill ceiling we're trying to reach. An example of this can be a sport or a hobby that we're trying to get better at. With that in mind, today we want to talk about some ways to improve at what we enjoy.

Find Something You're Truly Passionate About

A great way to improve is to find something that you're truly passionate about. Many of us may dabble in a lot of hobbies and while doing this is a good thing, it's inevitable that we'll like some of them more than others. Writing down what you enjoy is one way to help with this since it lets us see what we have available. Dedicating yourself to something is a good way to improve since we don't want to spread ourselves too thin. If we're not entirely sure what it is we care about, that is perfectly okay! It can take a while to discover this and some of us may learn about it later in life. Keeping an open mind is essential because it can give us the ability to see new perspectives and have an overall healthier approach to learning new things.

“A great way to improve is to find something that you're truly passionate about.”

Learn to Love The Process

Another great method to improve at what you enjoy is learning how to love the process. This is known as process-oriented thinking and this allows us to focus on the moment. While it's good to be ambitious with what you want to accomplish, slowing down and seeing what's possible in the here and now provides its own benefits. One example of this is doing an exercise. This kind of thing requires our full attention since it lets us focus on our safety as well. Good posture and technique are needed in most exercises and giving the proper amount of time and energy towards this can help you out. Being able to truly cherish what you're doing is a powerful skill and can improve your skills and your happiness.

“Another great method to improve at what you enjoy is learning how to love the process.”

Have Goals to Work Towards

The last way we can improve at what we enjoy is by having clear goals to work towards. A good goal is mindful of many different factors. It needs to be something that is clearly defined, along with being measurable as well. Both of these help transform a goal into something tangible that we can do. One example of this can be trying to reach a new personal record for running. This is good because it can provide a sort of intrinsic motivation for us to strive towards while also being fun to do in the process. Mentality is one of the most important aspects of improvement since an optimistic outlook can be self-sustaining. Learning how to take your time and be patient with what it is that you want to achieve is also good. Improvement, like many things, is gradual and something we need to enjoy as we do it.




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