Good Study Habits to Use During Remote Learning

School is in session for the 2020-21 school year, and it is back in a very unconventional way. Remote learning has become the new reality for students, and although one may say it's drastically different from brick and mortar, there is one thing that never seems to waiver when it comes to school, and that is stress. As remote learning begins, it is crucial to start establishing studying habits to ensure you don’t fall behind.

“Remote learning has become the new reality for students”


Healthy Habits

Staying focused during online school can prove to be a challenge, but it is important to create healthy habits that keep you on track. Start by designating an area in your home where you plan on taking classes and studying. This should be somewhere quiet, where you feel comfortable, and wouldn't mind spending a lot of time. Once you have decided on a space, make sure to keep it organized; your mind is already a mess, your workspace does not need to be. Next, and a very important one, establish a routine. A schedule will help you stay on track and organized. Assign yourself a time during the day to complete your homework and get in some studying; establish a morning or afternoon routine and make sure you stick to it. If you’re someone who doesn't like predictability and gets bored with repetition, try setting goals instead. Write down a few goals you want to have completed by the end of the day and make sure you get that done.

“Staying focused during online school can prove to be a challenge, but it is important to create healthy habits that keep you on track.”


Removing Distractions

Phones, video games, and maybe our own procrastination prove to be the biggest obstacles when trying to get in some studying. It is crucial that you try your best to limit distractions. Turn off your phone, your television, or your gaming system and focus completely on the task at hand. Studying doesn't really count if you spend two minutes reviewing notes and another 30 on TikTok. Limit the use of these diversions to your study breaks, which brings me to my next point, study in bursts. Just like studying for two minutes and then relaxing for 30 is no good, neither is studying for three hours non-stop, your mind needs time to refresh. Try taking ten minute pauses between study intervals of 35 minutes. This will tremendously help your focus and the quality of your studying.

“It is crucial that you try your best to limit distractions.”


Be Kind to Yourself

Finally, remember not to push yourself too hard. Get enough sleep. This is extremely important to your mental and physical health. Make sure you’re getting the recommended eight hours of sleep per night, at least. Recognize that it’s okay to feel stressed and anxious. Take things day by day and don’t forget that remote learning is new for everyone.




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