Making Emotional Stability Your Goal

There are a wide variety of emotions we experience throughout our lives. From anger, to sadness, to happiness, each of these has merit and purpose. Rather than trying to make one of them our goal, a healthier alternative is to change our mindset for that. Today we want to talk about making emotional stability our goal.

Changing Our Expectations

One common area that often can lead to disappointment is when we prioritize only one emotion as our goal. Typically this is happiness but some of the ideas behind it can be harmful. This can be an overreliance on happiness being our only goal which would be dismissive to all of our other feelings. While happiness is something that is good and should be cherished, like any other emotion it can come and go. This is okay as we need to be grateful for this when it does happen but not rely on it to determine our well-being or self-worth. A better alternative to this is changing our expectations. Instead of expecting every day to be perfect and things will go our way, would be to temper that with more practicality and handling things as they go. Sometimes we may experience a minor inconvenience that can frustrate us, and that's okay. Handling that in a more constructive manner by either expecting road bumps or by being fine with how things turn out can be better for us in the long run.

“Instead of expecting every day to be perfect and things will go our way, would be to temper that with more practicality and handling things as they go.”

Stability is a Better Goal

There are ups and downs to everything, much like the waves on the ocean which is why stability can help relieve any emotional stress. Learning to accept responsibility for how we react to certain situations can help us feel like we have more choice. This is good because it's natural that some things will get to us which is fine. We have feelings for a reason and understanding that is a good thing. With that in mind, a healthy means of managing this can involve feeling it, expressing it in a constructive way, and then moving past it. Pushing away how we feel can set a bad standard for ourselves that can leave us feeling like we can't properly express our thoughts. This can be difficult emotionally as we do need to speak up about things that affect us. Emotional stability recognizes that there are times where we need to be mindful of our needs and to manage them effectively.

“Learning to accept responsibility for how we react to certain situations can help us feel like we have more choice.”

Every Emotion Matters

Every one of your emotions matters. Your anger can motivate you, your sadness can tap into your needs, your happiness demonstrates gratitude, your amusement showcases lightheartedness. Each of these are some of the many types of feelings we experience and they serve different purposes. The goal of emotional stability is to understand that each of these has a time and place and that too much of any of them can lead to an imbalance. It can be hard to see in the moment but reflecting on our feelings is a good means of analyzing whether we responded well in a situation. Finding out who we are and how we feel is a lifelong process but simply taking time to learn about ourselves and how we react can lead us to a more stable lifestyle.




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