3 Ways to Be Your Best Possible Self

Becoming your best possible self is a long but important journey to bettering your life as a whole. Just like any other goal, it will take determination, hard work, and patience. While it may take time to get there, taking active steps to improve is a good thing. Here are three ways to become your best self.


Knowing What Your Best Self Looks Like

A good first step is discovering what your “best self” looks like. Visualizing this is a great way to help us see who we want to be. What does the best version of you look like? Once you have an idea of how to answer this question, write it down and use adjectives to help describe this image. You need to look into the future and visualize what your ideal future self looks like, only then can you start working every day to become that person.

“What does the best version of you look like?”


Work on Small Goals First

It’s important to remember that becoming your best self takes time. Start off by tackling your smaller goals first. For instance, let’s say you want to become more organized, work on setting up a cleaning schedule and a routine for your homework and other responsibilities. When you feel confident that you’ve achieved that goal, you can then move on to the next one. Completing smaller, more attainable goals will help build your confidence in yourself and motivate you to keep working. Each step forward you take is a step closer to becoming the person you want to be and leading the life you want to lead.

“It’s important to remember that becoming your best self takes time.”

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Take Chances on New Opportunities

Part of growing as a person is stepping outside of your comfort zone and not allowing yourself to become complacent. Trying something new such as a hobby can open the door to new opportunities. Listen to different genres of music for example to help find something you may love. Even small things like these will put you in situations where you’re forced to step outside your comfort zone and grow. Trying new things is also a great opportunity to get to know yourself better. Finding your best self is a reward and can enhance your life.




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