How to Take Initiative

Taking the first step can often be the hardest since it usually signifies the start of a new journey. There will be many times in our lives when we will have to do this. With so many experiences out there, some of them will come to us but others we'll have to seek out. Initiative is one way to help with this which is why today we want to discuss how and why we need to take initiative.

Express Yourself

A good way to take initiative is by expressing yourself. There are many times when we may want to say something but opt not to because of many different factors. This can be something along the lines of wanting to fit in or trying to maintain peace even if you feel differently. Sometimes though we do need to say something since it can affect the well-being of more than just ourselves. A good example of this can be if someone is getting bullied. Rather than just ignoring it, reaching out to an adult and getting help is a good thing to do since it can help someone else immensely. We can also choose to do express ourselves towards others if we feel that there is a miscommunication that we're experiencing. Rather than building resentment, it's better to experience temporary discomfort since it demonstrates that you care about both sides.

“A good way to take initiative is by expressing yourself.”

Take Interest in New Things

Another way that we can take initiative is by having an interest in new things. This can be a new hobby for example or even a creative outlet. Doing new things can help us step away from complacency which is good. While being comfortable is good, it's equally important to have an active desire to try things outside of the comfort zone. This can help us meet new people along with us discovering experiences that can help us develop as an individual. Trying a new sport for example can show us different forms of exercise that can make our bodies healthier. New creative outlets can also let us express ourselves in other ways as well.

“Another way that we can take initiative is by having an interest in new things.”

Prioritize Improvement

Being able to prioritize improvement is one of the best ways to take initiative. This can tie into our goals as well since getting better at things can be its own reward. One example of this can be improving at a specific subject that you plan to focus on for higher education. We can spend some of our spare time researching more about it for example which can help us in our classes. We can also take initiative with our current hobbies and interests as well. Something as simple as wanting to beat a personal best for running is one way we can work towards this. Challenging ourselves to learn about new types of drawing for art or other styles of writing is another way we can improve ourselves. Initiative requires a desire to learn and improve which can ultimately impact our lives for the better.




Listening to Yourself


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