Patience And Happiness

Our happiness is related to many different things within our lives. From external events to valuing ourselves, to qualities we possess, each of these is important in different ways. One quality that can help with this is patience. Today we want to discuss how this can help us.

Understanding Patience

Patience can be defined as “the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.” This can be rather broad as this applies to more than just these areas. Being patient is a good thing as it can help build up mental fortitude and willpower for the things we are doing. It's important to understand that patience is different than complacency as the latter can be detrimental. One key difference between these is the desire for growth is a factor for patience but not for complacency. This is important because we need growth to learn from our mistakes and to understand who we are as a person. Patience is needed as there are things that require us to wait or endure, such as taking time to get good grades or by working on a personal project.

“Being patient is a good thing as it can help build up mental fortitude and willpower for the things we are doing.”

Why Patience Fosters a Good Mindset

The best things in life are often ones that take time to establish. Some of the best examples of this are our relationships along with the satisfaction that comes from learning what you love. Higher education for example may take time and this can be hard for many people. While it may easy to focus on the short-term, some decisions need to be made with our long-term life goals in mind. The same can also be said for fostering healthy relationships. It takes time to get to know people and understand who they are. This is all the more reason why we need to be mindful of that and patient both with ourselves and others. Being patient can give you the motivation you need to keep pushing forward on something as it acknowledges that you're working toward something greater.

“The best things in life are often ones that take time to establish.”

How Happiness is Tied Into it

When it comes to life satisfaction, patience is one of the things that can have a large influence. One reason for this is that when we find ourselves lacking patience, we may be more inclined to react adversely to things. This can be a problem as it can lead to snap judgments and cause us stress. While there are instances where being too patient can result in the loss of opportunity, more often than not it can be a means of keeping calm and at peace. Being comfortable with our thoughts and emotions is intertwined with being patient as it takes time to accept some feelings. Forcing ourselves to feel better in times where we need to embrace what we are feeling can be counterintuitive as we want to be genuine with our emotions. Recognizing when to be patient and when to take action can help sustain our happiness and empower us to do the right thing.




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