Moving Past Instant Gratification

The digital age brings with it so many conveniences and opportunities as a result of how easily accessible information and communication are. We're able to maintain friendships and connections far across the globe and learn about topics at our leisure. With that said, technology can also condition us to be too used to things such as instant gratification which can affect our enjoyment. Today we want to see how we can move beyond this and reconnect with things more slowly.

Making Space For Boredom

Boredom is something that we often treat with disdain and it can make sense if we're used to always doing something. The thought of having nothing to do might seem intimidating to some but boredom isn't necessarily a bad thing. In an age of instant gratification, boredom might seem like a thing of the past but it can help us more than we think. One of the benefits of boredom is that it allows our minds the proper time and space needed to recover after a long day. Not doing something can help us calm down and learn how to be okay with our thoughts. Quiet time provides a reprieve from responsibilities and can also help with creativity as well. It's during the most unexpected moments where we may have some of our best ideas and this is only possible when our minds can take a break from everything.

“Quiet time provides a reprieve from responsibilities and can also help with creativity as well.”

Being Okay With “Missing Out”

FOMO or the fear of missing out is one of the more common issues with technology. When we're constantly on the internet or social media, we're exposed to many different lifestyles, advertisements, and events. While this can be exciting seeing all the different possibilities, it can also make us feel like we aren't doing enough with our lives. The problem with instant gratification is that it doesn't give us an accurate representation of things since they're often small portions of someone's life in the limelight. When we're thinking about all the things we're not doing, we aren't taking the time to be grateful for what we do have in our lives. We might be missing out on those things but we're enjoying the life we have and the choices we make.

“The problem with instant gratification is that it doesn't give us an accurate representation of things since they're often small portions of someone's life in the limelight.”

Enjoying Other Areas Of Your Life

Being able to enjoy other areas of your life is one of the best ways to move past instant gratification. One of the first things we can do is look and see what it is we currently have and make the most of those things. It can be an instrument we love playing or a coloring book we've been meaning to get back to. The idea is that we want to find ways to entertain ourselves outside of just the internet. The benefit is that it can help us reclaim our time in a manner that allows us to reconnect with so many unique experiences. Little things such as reading a good book or playing a sport with friends can be a great reminder of all the fun to be had out there.




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