Analytic Learning

Having a good understanding of what learning style best suits you can make the process much more engaging. One of these is known as analytic learning which has a focus on thought and our relationship with information. Today we want to take a look at this and see why it's effective.

Logic Driven

At the core of an analytical learner lies someone who is very focused on logic. A good example of this is having an appreciation for solving puzzles or trying to understand how things work. Learning about facts and information also falls under this since it provides a more cohesive view of different subjects. Being informed provides great joy to an analytical learner since it can give them a sense of empowerment. Logic is also a good pillar of support when it comes to discussions and debates since it's backed by evidence and research. With all of that in mind, this is best seen in the classroom when students are consistently engaging by asking questions. If a student is genuinely curious about a topic and wants to delve into it more, they'll typically be the ones looking for answers.

“At the core of an analytical learner lies someone who is very focused on logic.”

Thought And Experiences

Analytical learners are mindful of their relationship with their thoughts and experiences. Reflecting is a powerful way for these types of learners to best process information. The good thing about this is that it allows them the time and space to be introspective so that they can return to things later with newfound knowledge. It's not just about learning it's about how our thoughts shape our actions which in turn affect the experiences we have. The inquisitive nature of an analytical learner allows them to find answers to many of the questions on their minds. It's not enough to simply know the answer but sometimes the “why” of it means more to them. Similar to philosophy, analytical learning helps us understand more about ourselves and the world around us through thought.

“Analytical learners are mindful of their relationship with their thoughts and experiences.”

The Practical Side Of Analytical Learning

The great thing about analytical learning is that it can serve as an extremely effective problem-solving tool. Oftentimes problems might seem difficult at first since it can be a lot of information all at once. Analytical thinking works best when we're able to break things down step by step so that we can understand how each part contributes. Similar to a math problem, we need to have a foundation to work with so that we can best work on what we're facing. In many cases, it's making sure that we're doing well in our own lives, and in others, it’s having the courage to think outside of the box. Self-awareness is one of the key things that analytical learning helps to enforce since it's required to look critically at our thought process. It can help us look past biases so that we can find the truth and get a more accurate perspective on many things.




How Our Mindset Affects Us


Accepting Uncertainty