Benefits of Finding a Mentor in High School

Everyone knows high school can be rough, especially when teenagers are trying to figure out who they are; but what if you were to seek help from the people most willing to give it to you such as your teachers? Rather than creating a divide between you and them, see your teachers for who they really are, regular people who have gone through the same things as you, and have a lot of insight to share.

“see your teachers for who they really are, regular people who have gone through the same things as you, and have a lot of insight to share.”


Mentors Are a Blessing

Finding a mentor in high school is one of the biggest blessings one can have. Not only can a mentor help you deal with the complicated mess that is high school, but they can also be a big help in discovering who you want to be.

“Finding a mentor in high school is one of the biggest blessings one can have.”


Practical Life Skills

When it comes to your teenage years, falling into the wrong crowd or being swept away by the high school drama is so easy that it is comforting to have someone that will pull you back from the madness. A mentor can be someone who calls you out and brings maturity to the situation. When you are young it is easy to let your emotions take over, but being able to level headedly handle a situation is an important skill to learn. The best part is that teachers are close enough to provide personal advice, yet also offer an outside perspective.

“A mentor can be someone who calls you out and brings maturity to the situation.”


The Power to Change

Furthermore, a mentor can help take off the high school blindfold and open your eyes to life beyond these four years. Although it may feel like it, life doesn’t end because you got a bad grade or embarrassed yourself in front of someone you like, that hardly even dents it. My own high school mentor helped me discover activism and made me realize I could change the world if I wanted to. It was this kind of encouragement that empowered me and so many other students. If you are as lucky as I was, you’ll find a mentor who encourages you to find your voice and yourself.





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