How To Be Confident

A great quality to have is confidence. Usually seen in a social setting, confidence allows us to navigate through different situations with the poise and grace necessary to say what we mean while being true to ourselves. For some of us, it can be a hard thing to work on since the steps to get there might seem vague. Today we want to break things down so that we can be more confident.

Practice Makes Perfect

It's good to think about how we feel when trying something new. Sometimes we might feel bashful or embarrassed as a result of our actions or how well we do at something. It's important to remember that we all have to start somewhere and it's okay to be bad at something. We don't have to be the best at a skill to be confident at it. Sometimes it's more of a matter of committing to a task and giving it our best or simply having fun with it. Dancing is a great example of this since unless we're doing it as a career, it's the most pure form of expression and there's no need for self-critique. The same applies to singing too. Sometimes it just feels good to take part in a song you love and you want to be part of it. Regardless of the thing you're trying to learn, the more you do something the better you usually get which can contribute to how confident we are.

“We don't have to be the best at a skill to be confident at it.”

Stepping Outside The Comfort Zone

Each day brings with it the opportunity to find ways to enjoy our lives. Some experiences might seem out of reach because of some of the barriers that we artificially put for ourselves. Social anxiety is a great example of this since it's the result of our thoughts telling us negative things out of habit. Being able to break through this can feel hard but part of it requires us to step out of our comfort zone. A good way to help with this is by starting a conversation with new people. While this might seem intimidating it's a great way to break the ice and get to know others. Doing this helps us break through the fear of social rejection so that we let it not bother us in the future. Some people might not be receptive but consider that the ones who are can make your day better as a result, which makes it worth the effort.

“Each day brings with it the opportunity to find ways to enjoy our lives.”

Think Positively

How we think can determine how effective we are in our lives. When we think positively it's much easier for us to find the courage to do the things we truly care about. Positive thinking can help us be proactive with our goals and channel that energy into something that's good for us. A good way to apply positive thinking is by reminding ourselves that regardless of the outcome, we took the initiative to do something. Being proud of our efforts is good since it encourages us to keep pushing forward and building confidence in the process.




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