Personal Effectiveness as a Student

Finding different strategies to succeed within your personal life is important and the methods learned through this can be applied within school as well. One branch of psychology delves into a concept known as personal effectiveness which allows us to maximize our potential. Today we want to discuss this topic and how to strive towards it.

Within The Classroom

The classroom is one of the most essential portions of the day as a student. We spend most of our time there and getting the most out of our lessons is crucial to our success. Given that every student learns differently, there will be unique ways to embrace this diversity. Some students may absorb information more easily by acutely focusing on the lecture itself. In this instance, we can opt to listen first and take notes later if need be. Alternatively, we can ask for permission to record the lecture if we need to recall this later for reference. For students who work better in groups, they can opt to form one with their peers and have group notes that are shared after class. This allows for multiple perspectives and can give more insight into specific areas. Flexibility is important when it comes to personal effectiveness as we need to adopt different approaches depending on the context.

“The classroom is one of the most essential portions of the day as a student.”

Within Your Personal Life

Approaching personal effectiveness within the context of your own life is different than in the classroom. For one, there is a larger focus on mentality as it acts as the driving force behind your thoughts and motivations. One way to think about this is what gives you the courage to keep making a difference every day? Is it because you have ambition and seek to make the world a better place through artwork? Perhaps it's because you value the people in your life and want to make their journey better by being a part of it. Or maybe it's because you strive to find emotional stability along with promoting positivity. All of these approaches are valid and everyone has a different motivation within their lives. Understanding and making an active effort to learn about what you want can help you be more effective.

“Approaching personal effectiveness within the context of your own life is different than in the classroom.”

Practical Ways to Improve

While mentality and classroom exercises are extremely good ways to work on personal effectiveness, there are some other helpful things to integrate as well. One good way to do this is to set boundaries. Boundaries are important because they respect your time, effort, and emotions. A good application of this involves knowing when to stop working on an activity and focus on resting. This is good because it lets us distinguish when it is time for work, and when it is time to enjoy ourselves. We can also set boundaries with people as well if we feel lines are being crossed. Respect is essential and trying to find a happy medium can let you work better with others. Striving towards personal effectiveness takes time and it is a path that can lead to success in many different forms.




Ego Strength

