How to Focus on The Things That Matter

Attention is a valuable commodity in our era of fast-paced gratification. Being able to sit down and genuinely focus our attention can be hard at times but thankfully there are ways to make it easier. Today we want to talk about how to focus on the things that matter and why this is so crucial.

Cut Down on Distractions

Distractions are oftentimes one of the greatest hurdles when it comes to our attention. A good method to help with this is by being able to cut down on them. One way we can do this is by fine-tuning our environment. A good example of this can be our study space. Instead of having a multitude of devices near us, we can opt to turn off our phones while studying so we don't have to think about certain notifications. We can also opt to limit ourselves to how many tabs we use on our computers so as not to divide our attention as much. Limiting noise by having a more quiet space can also help with this. We can also play soothing music to help us focus on what's in front of us to increase our productivity. Removing distractions can take an active effort but it's worth your time since it can make you more efficient.

“Distractions are oftentimes one of the greatest hurdles when it comes to our attention.”

Write Down What You Value

Once we are able to cut down on distractions, we need to take some time to write down what we value. Being able to focus on the things that matter is much easier when we have a tangible idea of what they are. A good way to do this is by using meditation. Having a quiet place to be with our thoughts can help us build a sense of self-awareness which in turn allows us to more tangibly put our thoughts down on paper. Once we do this we need to condense and organize what we want to do. Organization allows us to make better use of our thoughts and break things down into more actionable steps. Sometimes the things we value can take a lot of time to accomplish which is why we need to be aware of how we do the things we do.

“Once we are able to cut down on distractions, we need to take some time to write down what we value.”

Find a Method That Works For You

Finding the right method plays a big role in focusing on the things that matter. The method matters just as much as the actual things we do since we need to be aware of what works for us as an individual. Perhaps we're more cerebral and use our attention in a manner that lets us analyze the things we do. This can be helpful for more complex things since knowing why something motivates us can be its own reward. If we're more intuitive we can opt to focus our attention on how we feel when doing something. Our minds and bodies are ideally meant to work in harmony when we are focusing and being relaxed can make it that much easier to use our attention in a positive manner.




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