Why Fun Needs To Be Part Of Your Routine

Life is more than just the goals we want to reach and the responsibilities we have, it's about appreciating each day and reminding ourselves that there's so much to love that's out there. Some students might feel as if they're in a cycle of waiting for the weekend to do fun things but there's a much better approach. We need to do something fun every day and more importantly we need to make it part of our routine.

Having Something To Look Forward To

Sometimes we might fall into a pattern of feeling unmotivated for the next day since the only thing we can think about are the responsibilities we have tomorrow. Instead of looking at it like that, we need to consciously make time and plan out something fun that we can look forward to. While the idea of scheduled leisure time might seem strange, it can be a necessity depending on how we manage our time. If we consistently find ourselves scrolling rather than doing something we're passionate about, a small reminder from a note can give us the courage to do something fun instead. Taking time to think about it beforehand or even just doing a small fun activity in the morning before school such as a game or playing an instrument can set the tone for the rest of the day.

“While the idea of scheduled leisure time might seem strange, it can be a necessity depending on how we manage our time.”

It's Easier To Learn Through Fun

There's a lot of learning that happens at the subconscious level and the good thing about fun activities is that they teach in a subtle manner. A great example of this can be doing a crossword puzzle since it can stimulate our minds to think of a wide variety of words in order to solve it. This also applies to video games as well since things such as a role-playing game can teach us how to manage resources for example. Creative activities can give us greater insight into who we are and what we value given that they allow us to freely express ourselves. Sports provide a means of taking care of our bodies while also building a sense of camaraderie with all the teamwork we need to win.

“There's a lot of learning that happens at the subconscious level and the good thing about fun activities is that they teach in a subtle manner.”

Fun Makes You Appreciate Life

Having fun is more than just a distraction, it's a means of gratitude for the life we have. Being present is one of the best possible things we can do since it shows that we're not obsessing about future possibilities or ruminating about mistakes we've made in the past. Fun allows us to be our authentic selves and cherish the moment through our actions. When we make fun part of our daily routine, we're consciously choosing to prioritize our well-being and value the time we have and the people that are with us. Having fun is a celebration of life itself which is all the reason we need to make time for it every day.




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