Practicing Gratitude

Gratitude is one of the most important concepts for us to learn since it can help us in a multitude of ways. Being able to practice this and converting our thoughts into action is what we want to focus on. Today we want to dive into some methods to help us promote gratitude so we can make this more of a core component in our lives.

Share With Others

Sharing is one of the best ways to tangibly demonstrate gratitude towards others. It's a sign that you truly care about someone since it allows you to give people your time and resources. A small but helpful way to implement this is by telling someone you care about them. We can also take this a step further by offering to help someone out when we feel they need it. Helping people is an essential act of kindness that is worth doing since the world revolves around good deeds. These kinds of acts build people up and establish a sense of trust with others since it shows that you're sincere. Everyone deserves kindness and gratitude is one manner in which to express it.

“Sharing is one of the best ways to tangibly demonstrate gratitude towards others.”

Make The Time to be Grateful

In our busy lives, it can feel hard to be grateful for all of the things we're doing. While this feeling is valid at times, we do need to make a conscious effort to be grateful for the life we live. Many of us are blessed with many different forms of opportunity such as having an education and a family that loves and supports us. Not everybody has everything and being able to cherish the things you do have can go a long way towards practicing gratitude. A great way to do this is by meditating. Meditation gives us a quiet and comfortable space to be with our thoughts so we can focus on practicing gratitude. We can opt to think about how we want to implement it either consciously or by being more aware of how we feel. Thought and action are linked and in order to truly be grateful, we need to make the time for it.

“Many of us are blessed with many different forms of opportunity such as having an education and a family that loves and supports us.”

Re-frame Your Perspective

Perspective is everything, especially when it comes to practicing gratitude. Being aware of how you feel in a situation can show you how your thoughts affect you. For instance, if we find ourselves complaining about things a lot, it can be insight as to whether to make changes, or whether to reassess if things are really as bad as we think they are. Chances are that we may be in a much better position than we think we are. This sort of mental assessment is good to do since it allows us to put things into perspective. Recognizing when a feeling is different than the reality of our situation allows us to be in tune with our thoughts while also being objective. Gratitude is something that needs to come from a place of sincerity and aligning your thoughts in a manner that best expresses that is worth the effort.




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