Being A Self-Starter

Sometimes one of the best skills we can have is motivating ourselves to get things done. Oftentimes starting a new task can be one of the hardest things since there are a lot of points to consider. Rather than being bogged down by the details of doing something new, we want to see how we can retrain our minds to be self-starters.

Why It's Important

It takes a lot of courage to be a self-starter. We may feel conditioned to let someone else speak up or take charge of things simply because that's what we're used to. The issue with this is that it isn't always good to rely on people to do this since they may not know how we really feel about a subject. The great thing about being a self-starter is that we don't have to wait for someone else to do something, we simply do everything within our capability for a task. This is essential depending on the assignment since it can save a lot of time in the process. In a group project starting your portion early can help speed things up for everyone involved along with setting a good example for those around you.

“It takes a lot of courage to be a self-starter.”

Clear Goals Are A Must

Motivation plays a big role as a self-starter since you have to rely on yourself to accomplish your goals. The key thing here is that you want your goals to be as clear as possible. Vague goals can make it a lot harder to understand what it is we need to do since we may spend more time deciphering rather than doing them. Let's break down an example of how to make this kind of goal. Let's say you want to get a good grade on the next test. We can change this up and say that we want to establish a consistent study habit for the test. We can do that by setting aside an hour or two each school day leading up to the test to study for it. Not only does this make the act of following through with our goal easier, but it also promotes consistency which can be its own form of motivation.

“Motivation plays a big role as a self-starter since you have to rely on yourself to accomplish your goals.”

Focus On Sustainability

It does take a good amount of willpower to help us start some things which is why the method we use needs to consider sustainability. It's tempting to want to power through a lot of our responsibilities and goals and while this can help in short bursts, it's not something we want to normalize. The reason for this is that overworking ourselves can lead to burnout which inevitably makes us feel worse. Being a self-starter means that you recognize when you've reached your limit along with taking breaks to help you recover. A sustainable approach allows us to balance our needs and responsibilities without worrying about overdoing things.




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