The Humanistic Perspective

Being able to see things from alternative viewpoints is good as it can help give you a more balanced mindset. The humanistic perspective in psychology offers many benefits for individuals and can give us a healthy way to see things. Today we want to cover what this is and why it is important.

What is it?

The humanistic perspective revolves around the idea of looking at someone as a cohesive whole. This is important as each of the different elements that comprise us contribute to who we are as an individual. What makes this perspective unique is that it focuses on the idea of maximizing one’s potential along with promoting concepts such as self-efficacy. All of these matter with this perspective as it goes under the assumption that people can do better and it incentivizes ways to do so in a healthy manner. Compared to other aspects of psychology that directly focus on elements such as the subconscious, this approach challenges us to view things in a positive light for personal development.

“The humanistic perspective revolves around the idea of looking at someone as a cohesive whole.”

Where Can it be Applied?

The humanistic perspective is useful in that it can be applied to many different areas of our lives. One way to apply this in tandem with self-improvement. Taking time to be mindful of where we are in our lives is good as we can apply this perspective to improve. If we view our educational journey through this lens we can see how our performance in each class affects something such as our grade point average. This is the culmination of our how well we are doing across all of our classes. Another means of applying this perspective is how well we feel within our social groups. We need to consider how we interact with others along with how comfortable we feel by ourselves to get an accurate view of how well we are doing socially. These are some of the more common ways we can apply the humanistic perspective.

“The humanistic perspective is useful in that it can be applied to many different areas of our lives.”

Why It's Important

One of the biggest reasons why the humanistic perspective is so helpful is that it is people focused first. This is good as it allows us to see the value that ourselves and others provide and can help us build good qualities such as empathy. Simply being able to see or feel what someone else has gone through can be a key means of understanding the humanistic perspective. Motivation also plays a key role in this as well. In order to perform at our best, we need to have a means of putting our best foot forward. Motivation and self love come into play for this as both of these works in harmony with one another to promote positivity. The humanistic values the individual experiences that we have been through in order to see how they shape us as a person. Each of these matter in their own way and help tell someones history. Being mindful of how these impact us can help make a difference in our lives and the lives of others.




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