Handling Expectations

Expectations can be a challenging thing to face as students. There are many instances where we will need to manage this such as our own expectations and those of others. Knowing how to manage this is worth our time since it can help us be more efficient. Today we want to talk about how to do this and why it matters.

Our Own Expectations

Our own expectations can be some of the most challenging to manage since there are many things that we need to consider. For one we need to ask ourselves what kind of expectations we have. Are they school-oriented or related to the type of person that we want to be? Each of these is important to consider since they can affect us in different ways. If they are school-oriented we need to consider how these expectations play a role in our daily lives. Getting good grades is often a thing that many students want to accomplish. Knowing why we want this is good to know. Usually, it's because they give us the opportunity to seek out higher education along with scholarship opportunities. While being ambitious with what we want to achieve is good, it shouldn't come at the detriment of our own self-worth. Knowing when to slow down with what it is that we want to do is one such way to help with this.

“Our own expectations can be some of the most challenging to manage since there are many things that we need to consider.”

Others Expectations

Another thing to consider are others’ expectations. These are more complicated since some of these expectations can stem from people wanting the best from you. It can be your parents wanting you to pursue a certain major or a guidance counselor having a route set in mind for you. In most cases the intentions are good, it's good to bear in mind that expectations aren't rules to guide your life by. Asking for advice and help for example is a good way to reach out to people since it gives each side a means to share their side of things. Expectations from others can be tough at times since we need to be mindful of both our and their feelings. Knowing how to set healthy boundaries can help make things easier.

“Another thing to consider are others’ expectations.”

Why It Matters

While having a good set of standards for yourself is good, like anything else it's best done in moderation. As people we aren't perfect and being able to learn from our mistakes is a healthy part of personal growth. Some expectations are good since they can help us promote a sense of mutual respect between ourselves and others. They can also give us the means to work for the things we care about in a manner that empowers us. Having a good understanding of what you're capable of doing is one way to make expectations easier. It can help us slow down with what we're doing and give us a good amount of self-awareness. Learning how to treat ourselves with love and kindness is an essential part of handling expectations.




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