3 Ways to Practice Gratitude as a Student

Gratitude is a concept that many of us need to practice. Ideally, we want to express our gratitude towards others and life in general. When we notice the good things and take time to appreciate them, we suddenly start seeing good things everywhere. Not only does gratitude help you appreciate your life, but a positive outlook attracts beneficial things and people into your life. Here are 3 ways to start practicing gratitude today.


Start a Gratitude Journal

Starting a gratitude journal is a great first step. One way to do this is to write a few things you are grateful for each day. Not only will this help you practice more gratitude, but you’ll start actively looking for good things to be grateful for, and in turn, you’ll experience more happiness in your life. Rather than focusing on the negatives in certain situations, look for the silver linings as they will help you stay grounded. By doing this you'll find yourself being grateful for a lot more than you were before.

“Rather than focusing on the negatives in certain situations, look for the silver linings as they will help you stay grounded.”


Be Mindful of The Past

Understanding our past is important when it comes to gratitude. In order to be truly grateful for where you are and what you have, you need to look back at where you’ve been and what you haven’t had. This self-reflection gives way to a sense of gratitude for the things you’ve overcome and the people that have been there to help you overcome these things. Ultimately, looking back will help you establish a feeling of appreciation for where you are in life.

“This self-reflection gives way to a sense of gratitude for the things you’ve overcome and the people that have been there to help you overcome these things.”


Express Gratitude

Expressing gratitude is another great means of practicing it. Let others know that you appreciate them and you notice what they do for you. Simple acts of thanking people will make them feel great and it'll help you practice expressing more gratitude, rather than just feeling it. You should also express how thankful you are by performing an act of kindness such as holding the door open for someone.

Out of all the things and people you need to be grateful for, don’t forget yourself. You do so much for yourself and for others, you’ve picked yourself up countless times, and you’ve overcome everything life has thrown your way, and that should be appreciated daily.




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Being Open to New Experiences as a Student