Moderation And Balance

A common topic within meditation is the idea of balance. Balance and moderation can help us stay in check with the things that we do. Too much excess can lead to dilemmas which is why we need to be aware of how we do things. Today we want to talk about why these two concepts are important and how to work on them.


Moderation can be defined as “the avoidance of excess or extremes.” This is important to think about since excess can often be harmful to us. This can come in the form of eating a lot of food that isn't good for us or staying up extremely late. These can affect us in a manner that makes us feel worse and recognizing this is important. We can also find excess in other places as well. Spending too much time with other people at the cost of our own needs also falls under this definition. Learning how to temper our actions through the use of moderation is crucial because it can help us make better decisions. For example, every now and then eating junk food is okay. Understanding this lets us know when to reward ourselves with our favorite candy and when to not rely on it as our only source of happiness. Self-control is a powerful tool and can give us the courage to do things that ultimately better our lives.

“Learning how to temper our actions through the use of moderation is crucial because it can help us make better decisions.”


Balance is another core idea we want to cover. Similar to the idea of excess, balance allows us to equalize the scales. A great example of balance comes in the form of exercise. While there are days where we want to continue to push ourselves, learning when to slow down and take a break can be a good thing. This is largely because our muscles need time to rest and recover after a long workout session. This is balance at its most pure form since our brain is signaling to us that we need to change things up. Knowing how your mind and body feel are necessary because we want to be in a state of harmony where our thoughts match our actions. This is known as cognitive consonance and ties into the idea of balance.

“While there are days where we want to continue to push ourselves, learning when to slow down and take a break can be a good thing.”

Putting Them Together

Applying both moderation and balance is crucial for a healthy lifestyle. They both require us to take heed as to how our mind and body feel in any given situation. It takes a good amount of self-awareness to help act on this. Meditation is a good way of building this since it gives us a quiet place to reflect on our thoughts. We can take a deep breath and examine how we feel and channel that energy into visualizing where we want to be. Moderation can help give us a better idea as to the things we do and balance allows us to find a happy medium between these things. Ultimately these concepts help us promote awareness and can give us the means of taking care of ourselves better.




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