Rethinking How We View Homework

Homework is an interesting topic in the educational sphere. Many students may find themselves either not engaged or finding it as more of an obligation. While these thoughts aren't uncommon, it's important to help try and align our perspective in a way that will help us. Today we want to take some time to rethink how we view homework.


It Prepares You For Tests

Given that tests are considered one of the harder things within school, we need the means to practice some of the material that will be covered on them. Homework is a great example of this as it can provide you the time to prepare for tests in a practical way. Practicing equations for math homework is crucial as we need to commit these key concepts to memory when we have to take an exam that is themed around them. Writing prompts in an English class can show you different techniques that may be relevant to a final exam paper. Both of these have their own sort of value that is associated with them as it is meant to be a stepping stone for the more difficult things within your class. While studying is an effective means of doing well, having a good balance between reading about the material, while doing homework can give you the means to do better later on.

“Both of these have their own sort of value that is associated with them as it is meant to be a stepping stone for the more difficult things within your class.”


It Boosts Your Focus

Concentrating on the task at hand can be difficult in the digital age mainly because we are used to instant gratification. Homework teaches us that there is merit in applying yourself over a long period of time. This matters because we need to train ourselves to focus on what is in front of us. When we actively engage in our homework we notice subtle things that we may not have noticed if we weren't giving it our full attention. We may see hidden themes in writing or understand important philosophical concepts better. Focusing on one thing may also be better for our state of mind. While multitasking has its place, when it comes to homework we may find ourselves stressed if we try to spread our efforts with too many activities at the same time.

“When we actively engage in our homework we notice subtle things that we may not have noticed if we weren't giving it our full attention.”


It Helps Your Grade in a Meaningful Way

A helpful aspect of homework is that it can help your grade in a meaningful way. One reason this is true is that homework gradually helps your grade by either giving you a completion bonus or by how well you performed on it. Both of these serve different purposes and can act as a means of motivation. Being able to say that you finished an assignment is a great feeling since it lets you revel in your success. Likewise, giving something your all is also motivating since it shows you where you stand in terms of your progress. If we feel that our grade wasn't what we were expecting, it could serve as a means to try new techniques next time. Homework can help promote positive mental habits along with giving you a helpful boost with your overall grades.




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